
Showing posts from July, 2023

Rethinking Sentencing: Balancing Retribution and Reform

In an era where discussions of criminal justice reform are at the forefront of societal consciousness, a critical  appraisal of the current state of criminal sentencing becomes imperative. Sentencing - the process by which  criminal punishment is determined and implemented - is one of the most controversial elements in the criminal  justice system. The tension lies in balancing two often opposing philosophies of sentencing: retribution and reform . Retribution represents the traditional model of 'an eye for an eye,' with punishment exacted in proportion to the  crime. On the other hand, the reformative model seeks to rehabilitate the offender and reintegrate them into  society as productive citizens. With the fluctuating public sentiment and the evolving legal landscape, the question  arises: How do we balance the scales of retribution and reform? The answer lies in rethinking sentencing, moving towards a more balanced approach that considers both the need...