An Insight into Circle Sentencing: Pros and Cons

Traditional sentencing, a cornerstone of the current criminal justice system, is known for its punitive approach to handling crime. The emphasis is on punishment, often in the form of imprisonment, to deter future offenses and to satisfy societal demands for retribution. However, this method has been criticized for failing to address the root causes of criminal behavior, overlooking the victims' needs, and leading to high recidivism rates. Amid these concerns, innovative alternatives have emerged, one of which is circle sentencing. Circle sentencing is a transformative concept that flips the script on traditional sentencing practices. It reframes the justice process, focusing on rehabilitation, accountability, and healing rather than punishment alone. It is a community-driven model that promotes dialogue, understanding, and mutual resolution. In this article, we delve deep into the concept of circle sentencing. We will uncover its principles, examine its implementation, and ...